Monday, December 17, 2007

Baby Update!!

It is so good to be home and we are having so much fun with Spencer. He is gaining weight every day and he sleeps fairly well. Nights have been a little tough because all he wants to do is eat but we are hanging in there. I hope everything is going great at school. I talk to Mrs. Watss quite frequently to check in on you guys. I am hoping to come by on Thrusday around 12:30, so you can meet Little Spencer and so I can see you! Here are some pictures I have been promising. I hope you find him as cute as me. Oh and Taylor, I can see my toes again ;)))

Mrs. Foster

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Welcome Little Spencer!!

Well Everyone,

Spencer was born at 2:32 am on Wednesday morning, yes Jerry's birthday as well. It was not the most fun thing in the world but we have a very cute little baby to show for it! I appreciate you guys thinking about us. I have missed seeing you and am hoping that you guys are doing great at school! Remember I am checking in nearly every day! I am not able to post pictures yet, I am not sure why but I am goinjg to email some to Mrs. Watts so you guys can see and will post as soon as I can!!!

Mrs. Foster

Monday, December 3, 2007

Welcome to Mrs. Foster's Class Website

Hey Everyone,

I decided to create this website, so that while I was out you guys could check it out and see pictures of the baby and what is going on in my life. I also wanted to be able to still communicate with you guys on a weekly basis. You will be able to check this whenever Mrs. Watts and Mr. Crouse say it is okay. You can also leave posts so that I can check them at home and it will be a way for us to communicate with each other. Please use this website for that and no other reasons. I would also appreciate it if you do not give the website out to your friends. Let this be just for our class!

Again, I will miss you guys when I am gone and hope that things continue to go well at home or school. Feel free to post whenever you like, as long as you have permission but please keep it appropriate.

Mrs. Foster